Prayer Circle

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We light this candle for our country. Come each day, bow your head, if you wish, and say a prayer with us for our constitutional republic. Continue reading

Unjust …

This is brilliant. Watch the video linked by James Woods at his X account:

It’s “just”

More here.




Two Videos about Our Once and Future President

Respected attorney Alan Dershowitz responds to the indictment of President Trump. (Watch at least the first five or six minutes:

Please watch President Trump’s attorney replying to Jack Smith’s spite-filled indictment at The Gateway Pundit:

“We Got to Show Them All the Facts” – President Trump’s Attorney Addresses Media Outside DC Courthouse – PROMISES DISCOVERY in the Case (VIDEO)

Peace, out!


Open Thread


Because it can’t be Memorial Day Weekend forever.

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Memorial Day Weekend 2023

As you enjoy this long weekend, take a moment to remember all those who gave their lives so that we might enjoy beautiful spring days with our families, in peace and freedom (while they last).

Let us vow that their lives shall not have been lost in vain.

God bless them all, and God bless the United States of America.


It’s All B.S.

Saw this on a tweet that was responded to by Elon Musk. Just about sums it up, doesn’t it?
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Who Needs to Fear AI …

or CGI, when we have real people to fear?

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We Can’t Afford To Let Him “Finish This Job.”

Clueless Joe Biden has announced, via a filmed and scripted video, not by any public appearance (which he couldn’t pull off and which few would attend), that he’s running for reelection next year.

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Dear AB: It’s about Womanface. Got It?

To women, THIS:

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Happy Easter 2023

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This weekend we remember a day of great joy and hope:

After Jesus was crucified, Joseph of Arimathea had Christ’s body placed in his own tomb. A large stone covered the entrance and soldiers guarded the sealed tomb. On the third day, a Sunday, several women went to the tomb at dawn to anoint the body of Jesus.

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Stand with President Trump, Girt with the Truth

And that explains the witch hunt. Here is the truth about what we face today, in our country.

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